Sun Safety on the Golf Course Featuring Emilee Hoffman

With summer just around the corner and golf courses opening up across the country, now is the perfect time to dust off your clubs and get ready for some memorable days out on the course.
With long periods of time spent out under the sun with little opportunity for shade (unless you find yourself constantly in the trees), it’s no wonder that golfers are at an increased risk of getting sunburns and skin cancer from the sun. For this reason, it is especially important to keep sun protection in mind while out on the course enjoying the warm weather.
Interview with Professional Golfer Emilee Hoffman About Sun Protection on the Golf Course
We had the pleasure of speaking with Emilee Hoffman, a professional golfer, about golf and the importance of sun protection on the course.
Emilee helped lead her University of Texas golf team to the first place position in their conference and she personally ranks fifth in the University of Texas history with a career stroke average of 73.34.
This is what she had to say.

How Many Years Have You Played Golf?
I’ve been playing golf for 17 years. I started playing when I was 5. I am currently 22 years old.
What Made You Fall in Love with the Sport?
I started playing golf to spend time with my dad when I was young, but over time I realized how much I love the game.
Can You Please Give Us Some Information About Your Golf Career?
I played college golf for the University of Texas, TX and am currently a professional golfer on the EPSON tour.
Some awards and achievements I am proud to have accomplished in my career include participating in the inaugural 2019 Augusta National women’s amateur tournament, receiving the Big 12 academic/athletic conference all American award, and being a 2017 gold medalist winner in the University games in Taiwan.
Do You Practice Sun Safety Measures Out on the Course?
Yes, I think sun safety is critical on the course. When you play golf you are exposed to the harmful UV rays for hours at a time. It’s important for your health and skin to take sun safety seriously.
Have You Seen an Increase in Sun Protection Use and Awareness Since You Started Playing?
Sun protection awareness has definitely increased over the past couple of years in the golf world. More golfers are taking precautions to protect themselves on the course.
What Are Some of Your Favorite Ways to Stay Sun Safe Out on the Course?
Wearing UV Skinz's women's UPF 50+ clothing is a great way to keep me cool and comfortable on the course while also protecting my skin from the sun.
Thank you Emilee for speaking with us and helping spread sun protection awareness out on the course!