Happy Birthday, Darren!

Happy Birthday, Darren.
Today you would be 51 years old and yet instead you will remain forever 32 years young. 19 years have passed since your final birthday. Hard to believe. And yet, life moves on…
The boys and I are doing well. They are amazing human beings. You would be so incredibly proud of them. I am so blessed to have them in my life, a driving force that forever reminds me of you and the life we brought into the world. Their antics, facial features, hands, handwriting, laughs intelligence, choice of words and emotions … all you.
You are here with us every day. You are my guide every day at UV Skinz, leading me onward, to continue our work of raising awareness about the sun and how important it is to protect your skin.
Even more important than the lessons on sun protection, are the lessons you have given me on life and love, many of them I didn’t even grow to understand until after you were gone. The gifts you have shared with me and the boys and the world are true blessings.
Your life will never be forgotten.
I am forever grateful and humbled. I am forever reminded of never taking life for granted and to never sweat the small stuff.